Smith Plastic Surgery / Plastic Surgeon in Las Vegas, Nevada

Address: 7650 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas

Our premier plastic surgeon delivers exceptional service and unparalleled results. At Smith Plastic Surgery Institute in Las Vegas, our main focus is the patient experience. As such, we aim to create a friendly and warm environment for our patients. From your initial consultation to your surgery and follow-up visits, our goal is to make you feel completely comfortable and confident every step of the way.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons offer a wide array of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments to enable patients to enhance their beauty.* As a premier plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery practice in Las Vegas, you can be confident in our ability to exceed your expectations.* Our Las Vegas plastic surgeons have performed more than 23,000+ plastic surgery procedures and would be proud to care for your needs.


Botulinum Toxin Breast Augmentation Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Brow Lift Chin Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Dermal Fillers Eyelid Surgery Facelift Lip Augmentation / Enhancement Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Nose Surgery Scar Revision Thigh Lift Tummy Tuck
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