Michael K Newman, MD, FACS / Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills, California

Dr. Michael K. Newman is an exceptional, board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills who embodies the characteristics desired by all patients: world-class training, a wealth of experience, and artistic talent. In addition, he is warmly regarded by patients for his thoughtful and compassionate demeanor. This ideal balance of traits allows Dr. Newman to produce amazing results and is precisely why so many of his patients recommend him so highly to family and friends.

Educated at some of the finest medical institutions in the country, Dr. Newman is recognized as one of Southern California's elite plastic surgeons. He is a member of the faculty at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, and is listed in Los Angeles Magazine's Super Doctors annually. ABC's Nightline news program featured Dr. Newman's unique skills and compassionate, patient-focused care.


Arm Lift Body Contouring after Major Weight Loss Body Lift Botulinum Toxin Breast Augmentation Breast Implant Removal Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Breast Reduction Surgery Brow Lift Buttock Lift with Augmentation Chemical Peels Chin Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery & Computer Imaging Dermal Fillers Ear Reconstruction Surgery Ear Surgery/Protuberant Ears Endoscopic Technique Eyelid Surgery Facelift Facial Implants Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments Free-Flap Breast Reconstruction General Reconstruction Injectable Fillers Laser Skin Resurfacing Lip Augmentation / Enhancement Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Microsurgery Nose Surgery Scar Revision Skin Cancer Skull/Facial Bone Reconstruction Thigh Lift Tram Flap Breast Reconstruction Tummy Tuck
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