Helen Colen
Plastic Surgeon in New York City, New York

We have been performing Aesthetic surgery of the face, and body for over 35years. Colen MD Plastic Surgery is a family of plastic surgeons based in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey. Dr. Helen Colen, Dr. Stephen Colen, and Dr. Kari Colen bring a unique set of skills and years of experience to our patients. Our Manhattan office is right on Park Avenue and has a fully accredited (AAAASF-certified) state-of-the-art surgical facility. Colen MD’s New Jersey location is part of a larger hospital system and is centrally located for all of our Northern NJ patients.
Arm Lift
Body Contouring after Major Weight Loss
Body Lift
Botulinum Toxin
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Lift
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction Surgery
Brow Lift
Buttock Lift with Augmentation
Chemical Peels
Chin Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery
Dermal Fillers
Ear Surgery/Protuberant Ears
Eyelid Surgery
Facial Implants
Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments
Free-Flap Breast Reconstruction
General Reconstruction
Injectable Fillers
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation / Enhancement
Male Breast Reduction
Nose Surgery
Retin-A Treatments
Scar Revision
Skin Cancer
Spider Vein Treatment
Thigh Lift
Tram Flap Breast Reconstruction
Tummy Tuck
Vaginal Tightening And Labia Reduction Surgery
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