Traci Temmen, MD / Plastic Surgeon in Tampa, Florida

Traci Temmen, MD, is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience helping patients achieve beautiful, natural-looking results. Dr. Temmen and her dedicated team at the Plastic Surgery Center of Tampa use their knowledge, skill and experience to help their patients from Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas achieve their cosmetic goals. They believe that successful plastic surgery treatments can help patients gain a better self-image and become more confident and outgoing. Dr. Temmen's dedication to excellent results has led to many satisfied patients. Repeat customers and people who were referred by other patients make up more than 80 percent of her clientele. Dr. Temmen offers a variety of aesthetic procedures for the face, breast and body, including rhinoplasty, facelift, breast augmentation and liposuction. She also has extensive experience helping patients who are dealing with the physical effects of childbearing commonly referred to as a Mommy Makeover. Dr. Temmen meets with each of her patients to understand their desires and answer any questions they may have. Following this consultation, she creates an individualized treatment plan based on what she feels will lead to the most successful results.


Arm Lift Body Lift Breast Augmentation Breast Lift Brow Lift Buttock Lift with Augmentation Cosmetic Surgery Dermal Fillers Eyelid Surgery Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Nose Surgery Thigh Lift Tummy Tuck
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