Keith Berman, MD / Plastic Surgeon in Staten Island, New York

Dr. Berman and his staff are highly skilled and uniquely qualified to making your plastic surgery experience memorable and enjoyable. Dr. Berman takes the time to listen to his patients and work together to formulate a plan that best suits the individual considering a cosmetic surgery procedure. All patients undergo an extensive informed consent process so that patients are knowledgeable about the risks, benefits, alternatives and realistic goals concerning cosmetic plastic surgery. Your Consultation All consultations are performed by Dr. Berman and include a history and physical exam, including a discussion regarding reasonable options and goals for the individuals contemplating cosmetic surgery. Patients review actual before and after photos of Dr. Berman's patients and receive detailed information and instructions regarding the procedures, so that the patients feel well informed and confident about their decisions before having their procedures. Dr. Berman also sees his patient throughout the whole process from initial consultation to after care visits. Our goal is to make your plastic surgery experience enjoyable and rewarding.All consultations are made by appointment. Patient Testimonials " I have so many things to tell you I almost don't know where to begin. I will start by saying I am feeling so much better now! Words can't express how pleased and impressed I was with you and my overall experience at your office. You both made me feel so comfortable and assured, and the final result is outstanding. You have given me something that will no doubt help my confidence and continue to grow. I know beauty is only skin-deep but there are certain things in life that can make you feel much better about your appearance that can help in so many ways. I am thrilled that I went with my mom's suggestion to have you as my doctor. We will always highly recommend you!"Candice C. "I would love to share my cosmetic surgery experience with others. I am 110% satisfied with the outcome of my surgery and all the great customer service I received from your company as well as the surgeon and his staff. I tell my family and close friends all the time that I will never regret the decision I made to have cosmetic surgery. My breasts were so unproportioned to the rest of my body, that most clothing didn't fit right. After my initial consultation with the surgeon I knew I just had to have this surgery so that I could be happy with my appearance. I also did some research on the doctor and he had performed that same surgery on a few acquaintances of mine. Another great benefit was that they were so close and also very accommodating. They scheduled my surgery so quickly and before I knew it I had the body I was happy with. The whole experience was amazing, and I said I will never regret the decision to have the surgery. "Krysta M. "It has been a year since my surgery and I wanted to say thanks again. Since the procedure I have never been happier in the way I look and feel. I am confident, enjoy the clothes I can wear and feel very good about myself. The surgery has changed my life in a positive way. Starting with our first consultation my husband and I felt very comfortable with you and appreciated your professionalism and sense of humor. You were thorough and we think made the proper recommendations on what I needed. The results are terrific and have received many compliments since then. People are amazed at the procedure and how you were able to in through the underarm reducing any scarring on the breasts themselves. Debbie was always available to answer any questions and was very helpful and a pleasure to speak with. She also made this experience a great one.I just wanted to thank you for your amazing gifted skills! I fell and look great! You are truly an amazing doctor! Thank you for everything each step of the way!"Nicole C.


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