My staff and I are dedicated to providing the highest quality plastic surgery in a safe, friendly, affordable setting. Safety and surgical competence are most important, but not the only things that matter in our patients' experiences. A surgeon must communicate with patients and help them understand the reasons behind her advice. We invite patients to be active participants in their care. We try to treat our patients as we would want to be treated. Your Consultation My practice includes all major types of plastic surgery, including:cosmetic surgery of the face (facelift, eyelid, nasal surgery)breast surgery (reduction, augmentation, reconstruction)body contouring (liposuction, abdominoplasty, etc)reconstructive surgery (such as for trauma or cancer)surgery of the handWhen seeing new patients, I try to listen to their needs, present to them what realistic options are available, and help them use the information so they can decide what would be best for them. Before-and-after photos of my patients can be viewed during private consultation. (To protect their privacy, we do not post our patients' photos on the internet, and we obtain written permission before showing them even in private consultation.) We offer complimentary initial cosmetic consultation, including Saturday appointments.