Janet Woodyard, MD / Plastic Surgeon in Owings Mills, Maryland

The highest standard of patient care and surgical excellence are practiced at the office of Dr. Janet Woodyard. Our goal is to create beautiful and natural results. our long history of success is based on a strong foundation of exceptional education, experience and artistic skill. We are dedicated to providing the safest, most advanced techniques available and to always do so with care and compassion. Your Consultation At the office of Dr. Janet Woodyard, we understand that cosmetic surgery is more than just a science and that it leads to positive changes far beyond what you can see. Our experienced staff provides a warm, personal touch that you will notice from the minute you walk in the door. At your initial consultation, Dr. Woodyard will spend the time you need to understand your goals and fully discuss your treatment options, both surgical and non-surgical. She will formulate with you a plan to reach your goals safely and effectively.You will discuss scheduling and the details of financing and preparing for your procedure with our patient coordinator. Depending upon your needs, arrangements can be made for consultation with our professional aesthetician regarding skin care and cosmetics prior to and after your procedure.A preoperative visit is performed several weeks before surgery to review the preparation before, details of you procedure, as well as our postoperative care and instructions. Dr. Woodyard and her professional staff are available to provide you with personalized, quality care every step of the way.


Arm Lift Body Contouring after Major Weight Loss Botulinum Toxin Breast Augmentation Breast Implant Removal Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Breast Reduction Surgery Brow Lift Buttock Implants Buttock Lift with Augmentation Calf Augmentation Chemical Peels Chin Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Dermabrasion Dermal Fillers Ear Surgery/Protuberant Ears Endoscopic Technique Eyelid Surgery Facelift Facial Implants Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments General Reconstruction Injectable Fillers IPL Lip Augmentation / Enhancement Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Male Chest Implants Nose Surgery Post Burn Reconstruction Retin-A Treatments Scar Revision Skin Cancer Spider Vein Treatment Tattoo Removal Thigh Lift Tram Flap Breast Reconstruction Tummy Tuck
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