Luis Vinas, MD, FACS / Plastic Surgeon in West Palm Beach, Florida

Dr. Luis Vi as owner & founder of L.A. Vi as PlasticSurgery and Med Spa, is dedicated to provide South Florida s men and women with the confidence that everyone deserves for the past 27 years. His vision of an office that offers exceptional beauty results through individual attention and comfort was realized when the doors to his downtown West Palm Beach office opened to a luxurious setting and warm atmosphere. Since opening L.A. Vi as Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, Dr. Vi as has been named the Best of South Florida Plastic Surgeon (2009) and his office was also named the Best of South Florida (2013). In 2012 Dr. Vi as was appointed Chief of Plastic Surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital.He and his highly trained staff offer expertise in different areas of the field of beauty and reconstructive medicine, allowing each patient to receive customized care and attention.The Med Spa at L.A. Vi as offers a true beauty experience for our local patients as well as those visiting our convenient West Palm Beach location. Indulge in an elegant setting, where the most advanced, state-of-the-art technology meets luxury and comfort. Enjoy anti-aging, medical grade services that will leave you relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.Call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Luis Vi as. Patient Testimonials I have known Dr. Vinas and his team for 8 years. I could not be happier with the success I have achieved. The staff is uplifting, sincere and so kind especially if you are there for post op they really treat you with kit gloves. I will always think back to my journey with a smile and know they really cared for me as a person & patient. Not to mention I only go to the best- and Dr. Vinas is a artist. I highly recommend this Doctor. 1 month post op today!!! pre and post op care has been AMAZING!!! Thank you dr Vinas and staff you are the best!!! Dr. Vinas did a reconstructive surgery on me 7 years ago, I was 16 and he was so comforting and reassuring (I'd never had surgery before) And he gave me amazing results!! If I ever did want any cosmetic surgery in the future, I wouldn't go to anyone else!


Arm Lift Body Contouring after Major Weight Loss Body Lift Botulinum Toxin Breast Augmentation Breast Implant Removal Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Breast Reduction Surgery Brow Lift Buttock Implants Buttock Lift with Augmentation Calf Augmentation Chemical Peels Chin Surgery Cleft-Lip and Palate Repair Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery & Computer Imaging Dermabrasion Dermal Fillers Ear Reconstruction Surgery Ear Surgery/Protuberant Ears Endoscopic Technique Eyelid Surgery Facelift Facial Implants Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments General Reconstruction Hair Replacement Hand Surgery Head-Neck Cancer Reconstruction Injectable Fillers IPL Laser Hair Removal Laser Skin Resurfacing Lip Augmentation / Enhancement Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Male Chest Implants Microdermabrasion Nose Surgery Permanent Make-up Post Burn Reconstruction Retin-A Treatments Scar Revision Skin Cancer Spider Vein Treatment Tattoo Removal Thigh Lift Tram Flap Breast Reconstruction Tummy Tuck Vascular Malformations
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