Heather Furnas, MD / Plastic Surgeon in Santa Rosa, California

As a husband-and-wife team, our practice is like our second family, and our staff is an extension of that philosophy. From thier initial phone and first visit to the day of surgery and after, our patients receive close, personal attention. Our mission is to add joy to our patients lives through genuine caring, generosity of spirit, and the quality of our work. Many of our patients have been bothered by something, sometimes for years. After surgery, the thing our patients tell us over and over is what a difference their results made in their self-confidence. Patient education is an important part of our practice. In addition to our written materials and our TouchMD program, we offer our patients continually updated information on our YouTube channel, our website, our blog, our newsletter, social media, and our special events. We love teaching as much as our patients love learning! Your Consultation Because so many of our patients come from a distance, we offer a virtual consultation through our secure website. During our in-office consultation, I meet with may patients to find out their goals, examine them, and review their options and my recommendations. I spend a lot of time on patient education both at the time of consultation as well as preparing online materials patients can easily access. Patient education is important to give an understanding of what can or cannot be done, to have a smooth recovery, and to be satisfied with the final results.We offer several tools to help answer our patients' question. TouchMD has greatly facilitated my ability to teach and show other patients' results during the consultation, and patients can access the site by logging on from home. Our videos, website, and blog can also answser many questions.My job isn't to talk a patient into having surgery. On the contrary, I want to make sure that patients who schedule surgery are 100% sure it's what they want. My job is to help them reach their goals. If my patients are happy, I'm happy!


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