Athleo Cambre, MD / Plastic Surgeon in West Hollywood, California

Dr. Cambre's mission is to provide ethical, compassionate, and comprehensive professional care, utilizing the most current knowledge and techniques available in Plastic Surgery. Dr. Cambre strives to deliver holistic and individualized care by applying his experience, expertise, technical skill, and artistry to enhance and restore form and function in accordance with each patient's distinct wishes, with the ultimate goal of optimizing both the quality of the surgical result and the patient's overall well-being. Dr. Cambre and his staff pledge ourselves to provide our patients with an unparalleled level of satisfaction through an uncompromising approach to safety, comfort, and dedication to service. Your Consultation When you choose to have an elective cosmetic or reconstructive procedure, no factor is more important to the outcome than the skill and judgement of your surgeon. You must have absolute confidence in the ability, training, credentials, aesthetic artistry, and experience of your surgeon. Just as importantly, your surgeon must be a person who listens carefully to your concerns and desires, with whom you feel comfortable, and with whom you can collaborate in order to achieve your realistic goals.Your personal and private consultation with Dr. Cambre will familiarize you with our office staff. During the consultation, Dr. Cambre will listen and discuss with you your concerns, expectations, and objectives, and explain in detail your options regarding the optimal procedures and treatments, as well as the alternatives and risks involved, in order to maximize the probability of success of your surgical outcome. Dr. Cambre will answer your questions and provide you with additional resource materials in order to clarify and expand upon the information you receive from your consultation, so that you can make a fully-informed decision regarding which procedure is right for you. Dr. Cambre's philosophy is to render the same advice and care to his patients as he would to a family member, keeping in mind each individual patient's distinct desires.Dr. Cambre encourages potential patients to obtain more than one surgical opinion, and we take pride in the fact that the majority of patients who consult with us (either before or after seeing other plastic surgeons), ultimately choose Dr. Cambre to provide their surgical care.


Arm Lift Body Contouring after Major Weight Loss Body Lift Botulinum Toxin Breast Augmentation Breast Implant Removal Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Breast Reduction Surgery Brow Lift Buttock Lift with Augmentation Chemical Peels Chin Surgery Cleft-Lip and Palate Repair Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery & Computer Imaging Dermabrasion Dermal Fillers Ear Reconstruction Surgery Ear Surgery/Protuberant Ears Endoscopic Technique Eyelid Surgery Facelift Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments Free-Flap Breast Reconstruction General Reconstruction Injectable Fillers IPL Laser Hair Removal Laser Skin Resurfacing Lip Augmentation / Enhancement Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Microdermabrasion Microsurgery Nose Surgery Post Burn Reconstruction Retin-A Treatments Scar Revision Skin Cancer Tattoo Removal Thigh Lift Tram Flap Breast Reconstruction Tummy Tuck Vascular Malformations
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