Patient satisfaction is the cornerstone of our practice and striving for excellence in everything we do makes that an achievable goal. To deliver high quality plastic surgical service in a safe, effective and honest fashion is the key to our past and the premise for our future. Your Consultation A personal consultation with Dr. Wade allows a patient to find out if he or she feels comfortable with the surgeon and his staff. It is performed in a professional, but comfortable setting and is procedure specific. Typically, a consultation may take anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour, dependent upon the surgical procedure of interest.During the consultation, Dr. Wade will explain the procedure, the risks involved and the probability for success. Patients are encouraged to bring a list of their own questions, as well as a note pad to jot down any information not included in take-home reading materials Dr. Wade will provide. Dr. Wade will review a patient's detailed medical history to evaluate any medical condition that might affect the surgical result. The patient's expectations and goals are also discussed, to make certain the desired surgical outcome is realistic.