Barbara Siwy, MD / Plastic Surgeon in Carmel, Indiana

Dr. Siwy is a native Hoosier, completing her entire education and medical training in her home state of Indiana. She has never left the ethics of the heartland behind and feels that each patient deserves to be treated kindly, honestly and with respect. She recognizes the natural beauty within all of us. Promoting that unique, natural beauty is the goal of her practice. In a comfortable office setting, Dr. Siwy takes her time evaluating each patient, helping them choose procedures specific to their needs. She feels that excellent results should be obtained with minimal risk and discomfort. Dr. Siwy is surrounded by a warm, caring staff who are available for you and respect your confidentiality at all times. Your Consultation Dr. Siwy also has office hours in Bloomington Indiana, by appointment only


Arm Lift Breast Augmentation Breast Implant Removal Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Breast Reduction Surgery Brow Lift Chemical Peels Cleft-Lip and Palate Repair Cosmetic Surgery Dermabrasion Ear Surgery/Protuberant Ears Endoscopic Technique Eyelid Surgery Facelift Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments General Reconstruction IPL Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Nose Surgery Retin-A Treatments Scar Revision Skin Cancer Tummy Tuck
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