Sydney Coleman, MD / Plastic Surgeon in New York City, New York

I believe that establishing clear communication with my patients is the most important element that leads to a successful outcome to any procedure.To help attain this goal, I encourage each patient to actively participate in each stage of the planning process.First, I listen to the patient to be aware of their lifestyle, social and medical history, and their goals.Only then do I examine them and educate them concerning alternatives for treatment.Every patient returns for a second consultation, during which we review their photographs and condition to develop a plan specific for their circumstances.A thoughtful plan based upon the patient's current appearance and expectation is the most important step toward a happy patient.My highly trained and dedicated staff has assisted me in caring for thousands of LipoStructure cases.They have extensive experience in caring for patients and answering their questions.They are here to help you from the first phone call through your recovery period. Your Consultation Our consultation is designed to facilitate good communication, which we believe is the key to making successful choices. As a patient, you will spend a considerable amount of time with Dr. Coleman and his office staff preparing and planning for your procedure, as you will be visiting our office on two separate occasions.Prior to your initial consultation appointment, you have some homework to do.Your assignment is to bring with you images of yourself, preferably not smiling, of when you were younger, 20's-30's years of age, or images from magazines of someone whom you find aesthetically pleasing.This is to aid in analyzing the shape and dimensions of the face and body that you desire to achieve.When you come in for your initial consultation, you will receive a very informative education.This education helps to explains Dr. Coleman's LipoStructure technique, the ways he approaches aging & rejuvenation, comparisons of pre and post procedure results as wells as an explanation of post procedural swelling and care.Next, you will meet with our nurse and she will go over your cosmetic and medical history with you.Finally, you will have numerous photos taken of you at varying angles and lighting to go over with Dr. Coleman at your second consultation.The second consultation is the most important since it is the appointment where you and Dr. Coleman develop a detailed plan for your procedure. It is at this appointment where you will view the photographs taken at your initial consultation. Dr. Coleman has spent an extensive amount of time analyzing these images in preparation for this appointment. Prior to reviewing the images, Dr. Coleman will go over your history again with you as well as explain the complications of surgical procedures. As you discuss your concerns and analyze your images, Dr. Coleman will map out a plan to use as a blue print for surgery.Once the plan has been completed, a patient care coordinator will review your procedure schedule, fees and possible dates for you to schedule a procedure.


Body Contouring Botulinum Toxin Breast Augmentation Calf Augmentation Chemical Peels Dermal Fillers Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments Injectable Fillers IPL Laser Skin Resurfacing Lip Augmentation / Enhancement Liposuction Post Burn Reconstruction Scar Revision
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