Michael Born, MD / Plastic Surgeon in York, Pennsylvania

Dr. Born and his staff are dedicated to your health and well being. We will work with you and your family to develop an individualized treatment plan to best meet your needs and circumstances. Ask questions and express your concerns. You are an essential team member. Communication, understanding, proper planning and well executed surgery are all necessary for your success. Your Consultation Many people are confused about what a plastic surgeon does. Plastic means to change or mold. Cosmetic Surgery, one aspect of our specialty, changes your appearance to improve quality of life and self-esteem. Reconstructive surgery corrects congenital , developmental and traumatic abnormalties to restore function and appearance. Plastic surgery is more skin deep. Surgery of the skin and its contents is a good way to describe the specialty.Dr. Born and his staff are dedicated to providing quality care. Please share your questions with us. We operate as a professional team and are happy to be able to serve you.


Arm Lift Botulinum Toxin Breast Augmentation Breast Implant Removal Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Breast Reduction Surgery Brow Lift Buttock Lift with Augmentation Chin Surgery Cleft-Lip and Palate Repair Cosmetic Surgery Ear Surgery/Protuberant Ears Endoscopic Technique Eyelid Surgery Facelift Free-Flap Breast Reconstruction General Reconstruction Hand Surgery Hand Surgery for Congenital Differences Liposuction Male Breast Reduction Microsurgery Nose Surgery Post Burn Reconstruction Skin Cancer Skull/Facial Bone Reconstruction Tattoo Removal Thigh Lift Tram Flap Breast Reconstruction Tummy Tuck
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