Dr. Richard Rosenblum
Plastic Surgeon in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Dr. Rosenblum’s skin care specialists will provide the most advanced and effective skin care treatments and products. We also offer spa and non-surgical services such as body contouring and tummy tuck as well as buttocks, arms and thigh lift to get rid of sagging areas. Available in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake & Newport News, VA. For appointment, call us now.
Arm Lift
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Lift
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction Surgery
Brow Lift
Buttock Lift
Chemical Peel
Cosmetic Surgery
Ear Surgery
Eyelid Surgery
Facial Implants
Laser Hair Removal
Lip Augmentation / Enhancement
Male Chest Implants
Tattoo Removal
Thigh Lift
Tummy Tuck
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