Gary S. Berger MD FACS / Plastic Surgeon in New York City, New York

Dr. Gary S. Berger is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery in Manhattan. He works closely with each patient to develop an individualized plan of treatment and is dedicated to helping you achieve a natural post-surgical look.


Abdominoplasty Without Drains Bariatric Plastic Surgery After Major Weight Loss Board Certified ASPS Body Contouring Following Massive Weight Loss Body Lifts Brazilian Butt Lift Brazillian Butt Lift Breast Augmentation With Small Scars Breast Implant Revision Buttocks Fat Grafting Comprehensive Skin Care Correction Of Split Earlobes Cosmetic Facial Plastic Surgery Dysport Exchange Breast Implants Face Lift Financing Available With CareCredit Gummy Bear Implants High Profile Breast Implants Laser Skin Resurfacing Male Plastic Surgery Mastopexy Military Plastic Surgery Mini Abdominoplasty Mini Facelift Mohs Surgery Reconstruction Natural Breast Augmentation Nonsurgical Face Lift Open Rhinoplasty Radiesse Remove Breast Implants Rhytidectomy Skin Cancer Smart Lipo - Liposuction Transaxillary (arm Pit) Breast Augmentation Voluma Cheek Augmentation Xeomin
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